And I have a feeling his threes are going to be worse than his twos. What is that all about? He has been waking up at 5:30 in the morning, crying that he's hungry, or thirsty, or whatever. MAKES ME CRAZY. Anyway, today is his birthday, but since I work tonight we celebrated it yesterday. Here are some pictures of his special day.
This year we did a Toy Story cake. If you want to see more cake pictures, they are on my cake blog, Custom Cake Creations.

Since it is our year off for birthday parties, we just went to Arctic Circle for dinner with a couple friends and family, and then came back to our house for cake, ice cream, and presents.

Oddly enough, this was his favorite gift:

Happy Birthday, baby boy. You have passed both the milestones I wanted to have behind us before your birthday. Potty training, which you did about 6 months ago or so, and getting rid of your i'i (binki). Good job. Now let's work on that attitude!