Well I have not done this in a while! Just busy with holiday stuff, I guess. I am finally finished with some projects I was doing for presents this year. I am about to start Spencer's stocking and the kids' PJ pants (yes, mom, I decided to do them after all. There is a whole group of women in my ward who is getting together to make them at the church). Anyway, I thought rather than having another cookie today (that would make about 10) or having another piece of fudge out of my fridge from my neighbor (darn her) I would blog instead. Let me just say that all day I am thinking about Christmas baking. English Toffee (thanks, Heather), penuche, russian tea cakes, sugar cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, etc., etc., etc. I can't stop thinking about it all - and I am definitely going to gain all my pre-parasite weight back unless i exercise for 3 hours a day or limit myself to like 2 bites of sweets a day. HOLIDAYS! And speaking of Holidays, my kids had the stomach flu the day after Thanksgiving. I swear. It's at least a quarterly occurence for Mackenna. The kids and I have been decorating for Christmas and the girls are always wearing their Santa hats.

They keep saying "Merry Christmas, Emma (or Kenna, or Mommy, whoever is talking at the time). Pretty funny. As for Spencer, I just wish his top 2 teeth would come in already. He takes 20 minute naps twice a day and cries the rest of the day, whether he's being held or not. He cries, I pick him up. He keeps crying, I put him down. He cries harder, turning his nose purple and running out of breath for at least 20 seconds. On the other hand, I am excited for his first Christmas.

Not so excited to see my tree bare from about the middle down as a Spencer precaution. Well, hopefully I will blog again before Christmas!
Good new post! I can finally stop avoiding your blog due to your vampire post. I'll have to read it when I finish the books.
Anyways, cute pics. I love the Santa hats! You are wonder woman with all that you take on. I can't wait to see the kids & go to Wicked next month! Oh, and Spencer has the cutest teeth!!!
i have come to the conclusion that boys are just wimps at teething. walter is a totally different little boy depending on whether he is teething or not.
we will have a matching tree that is bare from the bottom down. we'll start a new craze. soon everyone's trees will look like ours!
Oh, I have missed you! I so wish we could get together and bake. I have already gained 10 pounds since I lost my parasite weight. How sad is that?
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