Saturday, December 22, 2007


Today we took the kids sledding. They had so much fun! And I had fun watching them squeal with glee. Spencer was a little ice block by the time we were done; that is why he was crying in the last picture. It was fun. I finally finished his stocking today!! However, there is no time to get his name embroidered on it - that will have to wait until after the holidays. We are just getting ready for our big exodus to California right after Christmas. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!!


KickButtMommy said...

Looks like so much fun!

little miss shortcake said...

look at all of that snow! you get a white christmas!
looks like alot of fun!

Sean said...

If you notice I was the pack animal in this whole family activity. Leave it to me to be the a**

KickButtMommy said...

Well, Sean, you said it! No seriously you all look great. This is why we have blogs! To show off our great pics and fun times!

Amy Sue said...

Looks like I missed out on some fun! You got some great pics! Can't wait for you guys to get here!

Beeks by the Lake said...

So cute! I love the lengthy sled. What a wonderful idea. We are down to one last tube and I was in need of a new idea. Cute family! Great to see such a cute family being cute TOGETHER!

Diana said...

Hi Friends,
How's it going? Looks like the kids are having a total blast. They are all so beautiful and that boy is stinkin' cute! I hope your trip to California is fun. Chat more soon!

KickButtMommy said...

waiting for a new blog.....