Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Read-a-thon

Well, the kids and I finished our first book of the summer, James and the Giant Peach. It was definitely a good kid read. It had silly parts that they couldn't stop giggling about, and just a lot of wonder and imagination. Now we are on to Alice in Wonderland!

I guess I should talk about Inkheart too, which I finished last week.

It was so hard for me to stick with this book. I didn't get to the phase where I couldn't put it down until about 2/3 the way through. Even then it wasn't as riveting as, say, Harry Potter or Twilight. But it did get suspenseful toward the end, and so far the second book, Inkspell, is much better. I think the movie Inkheart was better than the book, just like Eragon.
Three of my favorite actors were in it - Brendan Fraser (currently in my #1 spot), Paul Betany, and Helen Miren.

I think I am starting to sound like Andy Rooney again!

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