Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I don't know where that word came from, or if it's even really a word. But that's how I feel - irritated, mildly annoyed, etc. This is the first school day that Kenna has even been well enough to go to school. She has been playing normally for a few days now (no more lying around all day) and her nose hardly needed to be wiped yesterday at all. So I figured I was fine to send her to school. Woke up to more snow, of course, so after I shoveled the driveway I got her to school. I had no more than walked in the back door, taken off everyone's shoes and coats, and settled down in front of Pride & Prejudice to give Spence a bottle before his nap, when the phone rang. It was Kenna's teacher. She wasn't feeling good, she was lethargic, she kept wiping her nose and asking for mom. GIVE ME A BREAK, CHILD, YOU WERE PLAYING ANIMATEDLY WITH YOUR SISTER AT HOME 1/2 HOUR AGO. Luckily I hadn't put Spencer down for his nap yet, so I put everyone's shoes and coats back on, hopped back in the car, and went to get Kenna. I did the bad mommy thing of leaving Emma & Spencer in the car (locked in) while I ran in to get Kenna, since I WAS NOT going to drag everyone in and out twice. Of course kenna perked up the moment I walked through the door, with NO TRACES of a runny nose, I might add. Now Spencer is walking around eating old dried noodles off the floor, which is funny, because he won't eat them off a spoon when they are warm and NOT on the floor. On the upside, we are taking the kids to Carl's Jr tonight for dinner because it's 'kids eat free'. It may seem funny to some of you that this excites me, but any relief is profoundly welcome!!


Mandee said...

Hey any meal I don't have to cook is very exciting, especially when it is free! PS... I hate the snow!

The Jones Family said...

Isn't Motherhood WONDERFUL!!! I totally get the Carls Jr thing!! Have fun!

KickButtMommy said...

Darling picture of Emma! Sorry you had a rough day.

I think the word you are looking for is Torque. It has something do with pull/resistance.

–noun 1. Mechanics. something that produces or tends to produce torsion or rotation; the moment of a force or system of forces tending to cause rotation.
2. Machinery. the measured ability of a rotating element, as of a gear or shaft, to overcome turning resistance.
3. Optics. the rotational effect on plane-polarized light passing through certain liquids or crystals.
4. Also, torc. a collar, necklace, or similar ornament consisting of a twisted narrow band, usually of precious metal, worn esp. by the ancient Gauls and Britons.
–verb (used with object)
5. Machinery. to apply torque to (a nut, bolt, etc.).
6. to cause to rotate or twist.
–verb (used without object)
7. to rotate or twist.

Beeks by the Lake said...

you gotta love em! they are smart enough to out wit someone 10 times their age in a matter of second! glad to see she is feeling better though

kelly l said...

misty, you crack me up. i hope sean realizes that after all you've been through that you need a major break, at least a couple hours to yourself to shop. and funny story, our sunday school teacher was telling about how his grandpa-in-law after 50+ years of marriage said that the three little words your wife needs to hear sometimes is "Lets Eat Out." So I'm all about kids free at Carls Jr.

Beeks by the Lake said...

You've been tagged! Go to my blog to find out more. Laura

little miss shortcake said...

we do the same thing with walter - give him food in his chair, he throws it everywhere, and then we put him down and he "cleans" it up.
hang in there! i totally understand about carls! (we just had burger king tonight!)