Friday, February 1, 2008

WARNING.....boring post

This is mainly going to be a vent session, so it you aren't in the mood, don't read! I AM TIRED OF SNOW. We got another, what, 6 inches last night. I have shoveled the driveway twice in a row now. The first time Sean was sleeping after a graveyard and today he was too sick. I don't mind, it's good exercise. Makes me feel less guilty about those peanut butter cookies with chocolate kisses in the middle I have been grabbing throughout the day. The problem is there is nowhere to put anymore shoveled snow. Those of you living in Utah now will understand, nothing further said. You have to clear the driveway and the sidewalks. You can't throw the shoveled snow onto the street, and you have to clear the approach to your mailbox. Hello? The snow isn't melting, we are running out of places to put the piles! Well that is the least of my grievances. I AM TIRED OF BEING HOME WITH SICK KIDS. Here is our last week and a half. Last Wednesday: Kenna wakes up with pink-eye. Last Thursday: Spencer starts getting pink-eye, but we treat it right away and it never goes full-blown. Saturday Night: Emma gets a fever of 102 after Spencer's party. Sunday: The whole family except Spencer have now begun getting the cold. Monday-Thursday (this week): Kenna is so sick she lays around all day, hardly plays, and won't eat or drink unless forced, not to mention the sporadic fevers. By now Emma is over her cold and I am rigorously hand washing to prevent the baby from getting sick. Wednesday: Spencer starts getting sick. Thursday: we take Kenna & Spencer to the doctor to discover they most likely have RSV. Today: Sean's cold takes a turn for the worse and pink-eye starts to re-emerge for Spencer. Last night: Spencer woke up about 10 times and due to my can of diet pepsi with lunch, 44-oz diet cherry coke from sonic yesterday afternoon, and diet dr. pepper at cafe rio with dinner last night, I maybe got 2-3 hours of sleep total. Also the fact that I was coughing and blowing my nose all night. Sean works tomorrow so I am stuck home again, with oozing, snotting, drooling, gooing kids that I can't take anywhere, for fear of worsening their condition or infecting the public. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! The upside is they are with me and not someone else. By the way, Amy, we saw Nanny Diaries.....LOVED IT. It cracked me up so hard. Anyway, Baby Einstein is nearing the close of its second run, Emma is asleep on the couch (it's 5:40 p.m.), and I am wondering how to fill the rest of the night until bedtime. I am looking out at the snow, enjoying a hot cup of lemon zinger herbal tea, wondering how much I'll have to shovel tomorrow.


The Jones Family said...

Got to hate the Flu season!!! I believe at least one of my children have been sick for the last 5 weeks! I feel for you!

The Jones Family said...

Got the hate the Flu season. I believe at least one of my kids have been sick for the last 4 weeks! I feel for you!

KickButtMommy said...


Mandee said...

I COMPLETELY understand the frustration with all the snow!! And although none of us are sick we are going stir crazy!! I look out the window and there are piles of snow, I look out the back and more piles of snow. Like in Utah there soon will be no place to put more snow. It is too cold to play outside, there isn't a mall close by and no other indoor activities for the children...what am I going to do until MAY???? Sorry for the long response, but like you am feeling the frustration!

Amy Sue said...

I wish I was there to help you out or give you a break! Hope everyone gets better soon! And I am glad that you liked Nanny Diaries. I don't think I would ever recommend another movie to you if you didn't. There is a book, but I am warning you that there is some language in it! Love ya Sis!