Sunday, July 12, 2009


Today we started potty training.....officially. I think Spencer has been ready for a while, but I haven't :). I don't know why today is different than any other day, but he has done a good job. He sits on the potty and pushes with all his might, produces a drop or two of urine and a little rabbit pellet of the other - we go dump it and wash hands, and he wants to do it again. Back and forth to the potty all morning. But it is good. Tomorrow we will go buy him some 'big boy' underwear.

Also, since that is one big milestone, we decided to take down his crib too. He kind of has to be able to get out by himself to go potty, so we put up his toddler bed. Hopefully we don't have a horribly long night since he loves his bed and he hasn't had a nap at all today!

Last thing - look at this shiner. He fell off a an empty cooler and clipped his chin on the corner of a shoe shelf. OUCH.

I swear, the kid has no sense of balance - or maybe his equalibrium is just off. He's constantly knocking his head into something. Then again, if my body was in the 5th percentile and my head was in the 90th, I would feel top heavy too.


Amy Sue said...

I am seriously sad that I am not there to see them grow up! Now I am depressed and homesick!

Sarah E Boucher said...

Sooooo cute with the big boy bed. I keep thinking he is toooooo little, but he is a big boy. Have to face that I guess :(

Matt & Viki said...

I'm impressed, Spencer is potty training! If I really got on the ball I could probably do the same with Cameron. I forget to ask all morning and before I know it it is noon and he is all wet. Way to go Misty. Sounds like we all better watch out with Cam and Spenc on the move at Powell. Cameron is a walking accident like Spencer these days.