Friday, July 17, 2009


I'm feeling a bit negative today, so I thought I should list some positives:

1. Spencer is doing awesome potty training - woke up dry this morning AND after nap, and hasn't had an accident all day. He is really getting it.


3. I got to take a nap with the kids today.

4. I read Harry Potter to the kids today.

5. I made breakfast today.

6. My children were fed and watered and taken care of all day.

7. Sean has a job.

8. I get to stay home with the kids. (this could possibly be construed as a negative, but I'll call it positive today).

9. Mackenna hasn't had any accidents in quite a while.

10. I'm halfway through laundry.

11. I'm married to an understanding and considerate guy (don't comment that it didn't make in until #11 or I'll kill you, Sean.)

12. We have a house to live in and food to eat.

13. It's 6:55, and bedtime is in an hour.


Jeannie said...

I like number 8.

Sarah E Boucher said...

Somedays are like that. But you do have so many wonderful things in your life, Mist. Like me. Just kidding! Honestly though, I am often jealous of your adorable family and fantastic husband. I'd so love to have that! So, cherish it for me, eh?