Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Polka Dots Make Me Happy

So, my dress finally came! Here it is:

And here is the fabric I found today to make a cute shrug to go with it. I spent 20 minutes looking at different white fabric - satin, silky stuff, etc. Then I went over to the quilter's section and found the white polka dot stuff. Now it is all perfect and I just need to learn to walk in the heels!

Here is the pattern I got for the shrug (I hope you can see it, it may be tiny):

Last night's Wilton class was gum paste flowers. We did carnations, daisies, fantasy flowers, and leaves.

Not much else to say - only that my day started WAY TOO EARLY today. All you moms out there who have kids that sleep until you wake them.....I HATE YOU! Everyone of my proteges was awake at 6 a.m. - Emma, Kenna, Spencer, Dodger, and Patches. All whining/meowing/jabbering for food and water. HELP ME!


KickButtMommy said...

My kids wake up early too. Sometimes they let me sleep but then my house is a big disaster, and it is a pain to clean up.

Beeks by the Lake said...

such a CUTE dress! you are so talented you can sew. Those green leaves look so realistic! When do you learn to add color to the edges and stuff like that? or do you have to have an air brush? Or is it like water color painting? I might have to take a cake decorating class after all. uhm, sometime I have to wake Coleton up but mostly he wakes me up. this morning I had to wake him up to go to Haeley's swim lessons and he threw himself onto his sandwich on the bleachers and moaned and cried the entire time! it would be so nice if they woke up in a good mood.

The Jones Family said...

Hail to the Mothers who rise with the sun!! My children wont sleep past 6 even if I put them to bed at 10pm. I suppose I don't need sleep....
LOVE the Dress!!

Steph said...

WAY CUTE DRESS! I love it! I love the daisies too, they look perfect.

Sean said...

won't my wife look smoking hot in that dress. How did I get so Lucky

Misty said...

laura, to answer your question, you just use a tiny paintbrush and brush the edges of your flower with gum glue adhesive & then sprinkle on shimmer dust, which is different than pearl dust. if you get the wilton yearbook it has all these techniques in there with photographs and instructions - and it has a ton of cute cakes in it for ideas. but use your 40% off coupon so it is less money.

kelly l said...

sean is such a sweetie. i'll be in ca during amy's wedding, so i'll have to give you a once over and evaluate your walk. you're getting way too crafty, you're making the rest of us look bad. and you won't want to know that drew slept until 8 am this morning. but it's a first, i promise.